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Can carbon fiber manipulators be used in industrial equipment?


Can carbon fiber manipulators be used in industrial equipment?

     Industrial robotic arm is a mechanical  electronic device integrating anthropomorphic arm, wrist  hand functions. It can move any object  tool according to the spatial posture  requirements, so as to complete the operation requirements of an industrial production. According to the driving method, it can be divided into hydraulic type, pneumatic type  electric type. According to the use, it can be divided into transfer robot, spray robot, welding robot  assembly robot.

     Industrial carbon fiber mechanical arms can replace the heavy labor of people, significantly reduce the labor intensity of workers, improve labor conditions, increase labor productivity  production automation level. In the industrial production, the transfer of coarse  bulky workpieces  long, frequent, monotonous operations,  high temperature, low temperature, deep water, universe, radioactivity,  other toxic  polluting working environments, the advantages of carbon fiber manipulators are particularly outstanding.

  Industrial carbon fiber manipulator

