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Intelligent robot development customization process precautions

2022-12-13 H:20:18

Most of the switches of waterproof connectors are made of high-grade materials such as bulletproof glue. They have high fireproof, moisture-proof, impact-proof functions, the surface is smooth. When purchasing, you should consider the feel of the switch, judge the material of the switch by the feel, ask the dealer. Generally speaking, the functions of products that are very smooth, thin, brittle to the touch cannot be trusted. With the increasing labor costs in various industries, the increasing popularity of robots  intelligent devices, many customers have gradually realized that developing a robot suitable for their own industry can replace some repetitive manpower, thereby reducing the production costs of enterprises. So what is the process of customizing developing robot products? Today, the editor will take you to learn about it in detail.

1. Confirm the type of custom developed robot

Customized robots can be roughly divided into three categories: service robots, industrial robots , special robots. First of all, we need to confirm which type of robot we need to customize, because the customized companies corresponding to different types of robots will also be very different. For example, household sweeping robots, food delivery robots, distribution robots, etc. are all service-type robots; the robots robotic arms used in production workshops that we see are all industrial robots; so what are called special robots? Special robots are robots used in specific scenarios, such as underwater operation robots, fire-fighting robots, inspection survey robots, mine-clearing robots, etc., all of which are special robots. So do you know which type of robot you want to customize?

Professional robot project development

2. Confirm the robot’s function

The second step of robot customization is to figure out the functions you want to complete with the robot. For example, if I want to customize a robot for factory inspection, then first we need to list the items that we usually need to inspect expect to inspect manually, then analyze which ones can be handled by the robot based on the characteristics of the robot. At the same time, we should give priority to the work contents with high repetition rate, high labor cost, difficult to complete. Here we may have a misunderstanding that robots can replace all manual work. In fact, based on the current robot technology, it cannot completely replace manual work. Even if there is such a robot, the cost will be unacceptable to us, so it is more to help manual work, which is also the most economical affordable customization plan. After analysis, we will get a list of robot functions.

3. Selection of internal electronic components

Some people may ask, why put the appearance first, but the electronic components first? Because according to the function of the robot, we need to electronic components to complete the corresponding function. If we want to complete the appearance design, there may be a lack of internal space when the whole machine is installed. Then the previous design will also be adjusted, which will undoubtedly increase a lot of costs. After confirming the electronic components, we can use modeling to stack the space to guide the space reserved for the later appearance design.

4. Planning structure appearance

Appearance design is a seemingly simple link, but in fact it requires special care. In an era appearance is justice, an excellent appearance design often affects the entire life of the product. High-end, minimalist style, etc. are all positive comments on the appearance of products. Of course, how to design the appearance of a robot is far enough in addition to beauty. It is also necessary to comprehensively consider its function structure. Only when the appearance, function, structure are comprehensively considered perfectly integrated can it be regarded as an excellent product design. After the design is completed, proofing manufacturing can begin.

5. Prototype assembly production

This step requires us to assemble the selected components shells. A mobile robot consists of three main parts: perception module, bus module, control module. The perception module is composed of cameras, ultrasonic radars, laser radars, IMUs, various sensors, is mainly responsible for the robot's perception of the outside world; the universal bus module is a commonly used communication transceiver module specially developed for the integration of various types of sensors in robots. It accurately receives controls the data of multiple sensors through the CAN bus form, is the robot's five senses six senses. The control module is responsible for walking, grabbing, other actions after receiving instructions. It can generally be composed of a steering gear controller, a motor driver, an algorithm controller, a power supply controller, a charging control module.

6. Software hardware development debugging

The last key link in the development customization of robots is the adjustment testing of software hardware. An excellent robot only requires a stable structure stable hardware equipment, but also requires a lot of effort in software development. The quality of the software is related to whether the robot is smart obedient. In addition to the hardware operating programs such as the robot's autonomous navigation algorithm mentioned above, we also need a robot's RMS system, on which operators can perform remote monitoring, remote control, task dispatch, information collection, data analysis other operations of the robot, which makes the robot truly practical.
