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What are the pain points of intelligent robots?

2022-02-11 H:04:22

With the advent of the "AI" era, the deepening application of technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things has been emphasized. China's robotics industry has once again ushered in a good opportunity for development . Intelligent robots are expected to rise rapidly, China's robotics industry is developing at full speed. However, the road to development is unstoppable. The robotics industry must break through these three points to go further even complete large-scale landing applications.

Current pain points of intelligent robots

First, the market acceptance is insufficient. Since service robots have only entered the market in recent years, many people do understand these products their knowledge is sufficient, which makes it difficult for the consumer market to expand rapidly. In addition, there are many subdivisions of service robots, it is very difficult to promote them comprehensively. At the same time, most service robots are expensive, even consumer-grade products are still affordable enough, which exceeds the purchasing power of many consumers.

Second, hype is prevalent. As my country continues to increase its attention to the development of the robot industry, the domestic service robot market has also begun to grow rapidly. The capital market many companies have responded actively to this, but many are still stuck in capital operation concept hype, product landing has been delayed. In addition, some companies have taken the path of low-end price wars, do pay attention to product quality, resulting in serious homogeneity, which has affected the healthy development of the entire industry.

smart robot

Third, there is a shortage of professional talents. In the future, how to make up for the talent deficiency, cultivate a complete professional robot R&D  application team, form a relatively complete robot industrial chain will be an important issue for the development of China's industry. At present, China's talent problem mainly involves two aspects. On the one hand, the talent reserve cultivation in the demand field are insufficient; on the other hand, the phenomenon of talent loss is too serious. At present, talents are concentrated in the field of theoretical research development. On the contrary, what Chinese companies need are robot application talents service talents.

How to achieve large-scale application

Judging the guidance of a series of policy documents released by the state, intelligent manufacturing is becoming the core of the Industrial 4.0 era. As an important component of it, robots are of great significance to promoting the upgrading of traditional industries accelerating the construction of a strong manufacturing country. However, compared with foreign countries, my country's robot industry developed later, the core components technology is weak, many core components are highly dependent on imports, so the cost remains high.

Generally speaking, the main pain point of commercialization is that, on the one hand, technological breakthroughs integration will make commercial robots low-cost. On the other hand, the robot market is in a period of transformation, the iteration traditional markets to emerging markets will generate new opportunities. Robot module

As one of the world's largest robot markets, my country's commercial robot market size in 2017 was 1.05 billion as the starting point. It has developed rapidly under the stimulation of domestic policies, technology, market demand other factors. The average annual growth rate of the intelligent robot market has remained stable. Taking into account the changes in the overall market size fluctuations in growth rate, my country will achieve large-scale commercial use within ten years.
